Afterschool Program


We enroll year-round for this program. 

Please contact us for information

and a tour

Cost:   $21.66/day

Enrollment requires 2 days minimum.

Time:  2:45 pm until 6:00 pm sharp


The GraceWorks school age program is licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (DEEC) to provide after-school and school-year vacation care for a maximum of 39 children/day. Children are warmly greeted as they arrive at the program. A nutritious snack is served daily. Enriching activities and clubs are offered to stimulate and challenge children to develop to their fullest.  Homework assistance is given at the end of the day by our qualified, professional teaching staff. (Please note: personal tutoring is not available).

Children have the opportunity to interact in several small-group environments, including an activity room, homework room and game and computer room.  GraceWorks children also participate in various clubs, including cooking, sewing, music, science and computer clubs. 

In addition to the daily curriculum GraceWorks also offers  Karate for an additional fee. (6 lessons for $72.00 ) taught by local teacher Crystal Matthews.

Molly Solomon is the Site Coordinator for our School-age Programs.  Our Group Leaders are  Isis N., Wes E.,  Wendy S. J. and Lauren M.

Click here to view all of our school-age schedules: regular afterschool day, early release day and full day.

GraceWorks provides afternoon snack and extra drinks.

Cost: $21.66/day, (vouchers accepted)

Families can choose full or part-time, depending on openings.

There is a 2-day minimum enrollment for our Afterschool Program.

Hours of Operation: after-school, approx. 2:45 – 6:00 pm sharp (approx 1:45 - 6:00 pm on Wednesdays)

A "drop-in" option is available for days when a  registered family needs extra care during the week.  Drop-in days cost $26/day.

Public School Early Release Days

GraceWorks provides programming from 12:30pm through 6:00pm on "early release days" when the elementary or middle schools close at noon.   Early Release days cost $30.00.

Public School Closings

When teacher Professional Days are scheduled and the schools are closed,  GraceWorks  provides full-day programming from 8:00am-6:00pm.   Full day programming cost is $47/child. 


Snow Days:  

When the Medford school system calls a "snow day" and closes schools, GraceWorks may or may not open for the day.   GraceWorks will evaluate the storm's severity and decide on a storm-by-storm basis if GraceWorks will be open for care.  The safety of travelling for both families and staff will be a major factor in our decision to open or close for the day.  

Families on our email lists will receive email notices the afternoon and evening before the predicted storm and by 6:00am the day of the predicted storm.  These emails will keep families updated as the storm's severity is evaluated and alert them if GraceWorks decides to close. 


The morning of the predicted storm families can call GraceWorks as of 6:00am for an updated voice system message which will tell them if GraceWorks is open or closed for the day.

If GraceWorks is open for a snow day, programming  will run from 9:00am through 6:00pm Early Childhood families can arrive as usual ( except 9:00am instead of 8;00am) but afterschool families must call to let us know a child is attending for the snow day.  GraceWorks needs to be sure sufficient staffing is maintained.   The cost for snow days is $46.25/child.

If GraceWorks is closed for the day families who usually attend on that day of the week will be charged for the day despite the closure.

School Vacation Weeks

GraceWorks offers 5 days of full-day programming for the February and April vacation weeks.  We are open for both  Presidents' Day in February and Patriots' Day in April.

Families can enroll for as many or as few days as they wish during vacation weeks. 

For more information about April Vacation, please click here!

Please note:  when GraceWorks is open for early release days or for full-day programming families should be sure to send their children with a lunch.

 Families provide lunch.  GraceWorks provides morning and afternoon snacks and extra drinks.

Please: No nut products or

food processed in plants that process nuts.


Afterschool Program Staff